The spread of the coronavirus is currently increasing dramatically in Helsingborg, which has the most number of new cases of covid-19 in Skåne and is among the six municipalities in Sweden that have the largest spread of infection.

Due to the strong spread of infection in Helsingborg, a digital press conference was organized earlier today (Monday, December 7) with the city's management and heads of various administrations.
Now we are in the middle of the second wave. And the infection can increase if we do not act with force. Your actions can determine what happens to someone you love, said Peter Danielsson, Chairman of the Municipal Board.
Right now we have a record number of infections per inhabitant in Helsingborg and the spread of infection continues to increase in Skåne. Data shows that residents in Helsingborg spend more time in places with shopping, entertainment and public transport, said Henrik Persson, Statistician.
A few points that were mentioned by different administrations are summarized below:
HOME CARE AND ELDERLY: (Annika Andersson, Omsorgsdirektör)
Since May, visors are used in all nursing work by the staff since spring.
Mouth protection being used since autumn.
Staff are redeployed to support infection tracing work.
Constant follow-up of risk assessments and staffing routines.
SCHOOLS: (Tony Mufic, Utbildningsdirektör)
As of today, upper secondary schools have switched to distance education.
Except student groups within the upper secondary school have, however, school-based teaching continues.
We ensure a good working environment through continuous risk assessments. We have a strained situation in several preschools due to high staff absenteeism, but it is important that we can keep the preschools open so that guardians with socially important functions can come to work.
We are prepared to switch to distance education further if recommended by Smittskydd Skåne.
LABOUR ADMINISTRATION: (Maria Norrby, Arbetsmarknadsdirektör)
Adapted to operations during the autumn, a large part of the work takes place digitally.
Adapted premises and ongoing risk assessments.
Digital services and communication channels.
4300 students in adult education distance learning programs.
Group activities linked to work training and skills development are currently paused or carried out digitally.
It is now more important than ever to follow the stricter advice that applies to Skåne:

Avoid hanging out indoors with people other than those you live with.
Avoid travelling by train, bus or other public transport. You can travel if you have to, for example, to travel to work, school or to seek care.
Avoid being in an indoor environment where there is a risk of congestion, such as shops and shopping malls.
You who are over 15 years old should refrain from all sports activities. This does not apply to professional athletes or you who go to sports high school.
Avoid physical meetings, courses, conferences, concerts and performances. Do not participate in events where several people gather.
You as an employer must make it possible for staff to work from home when possible and encourage them to do so.
You can watch the recorded press conference here on this link (Swedish)
You can also read the press release by the city here on this link (Swedish)