Haven't we all visited Furutorpsplatsen at least once to marvel at the gorgeous cherry blossoms? But for most of us, visits to the park are limited only to a once-in-a-year visit to take photos of the pink beauties. But now, you have a reason to visit more often!
Stadsbyggnadsförvaltningen, Helsingborgs Stad has a new initiative called Söderscen as part of its safety and security efforts in Soder and Furutorpsplatsen.
During the summer, there will be a heavy focus on activities and events. Once the COVID-19 restrictions have settled, the plan will also include events that more than 50 people can attend.
And here's the best part: You can also contribute and get involved! Here's how:
SUBMIT AN IDEA: If you have an idea that can work at Furutorpsplatsen you can get support to make it happen! Activities can be categorized as follows:
Small activity: Can take place during weekdays which attract groups under 50 people. These should not cost much, as the target group is limited.
Intermediate activity: For more than 50 people. Budget not exceeding SEK 10,000. A few of these can be supported in a month.
Large events: For more than 100 people. A few times each season.
Do you have an idea that can work at Furutorpsplatsen? You can fill the form here and get support. https://helsingborg.se/uppleva-och-gora/soderscen/vill-du-bidra/
Have any questions before you submit the form? Contact :
All scheduled events will be posted here if you just want to attend and spend a day out in the park doing activities - https://helsingborg.se/uppleva-och-gora/soderscen/program/