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New Year's Eve: Rules regarding fireworks

New Year Eve and fireworks go hand in hand. But over the last few years, public perception is changing. There is a lot of conversation around the environment and the impact of firecrackers on pets. Instead of bursting crackers, many people are choosing to light up the sky with floating lanterns and gas balloons instead. But if you do want to use firecrackers, it is good to be aware of the rules. Read on to know more.

In Helsingborg, it is only allowed to launch New Year rockers between 1600 on 31st December and 0400 on 1st January. During any other time, you must have permission from the Police. You also need to be at least 18 years old to buy and use the fireworks. You can apply for permission to use fireworks here.

Tip: To get a good view of the fireworks in Helsingborg, a few good spots visited by residents are Slottshagen, Vikingsbergparken, Öresundsparken and Norra Hamnen (View of both Helsingborg and Denmark fireworks) or other waterfronts from where you can also see the area near Kärnan.

Here is a video by Helsingborgs Dagblad on the fireworks in Helsingborg (2017-2018)

No permit is required for sparklers, party poppers and similar smaller products that are intended for indoor use.

It is not allowed to detonate any fireworks at:

  • Helsingborgs lasarett (Hospital)

  • Regiondjursjukhuset (Animal hospital)

  • Helsingborgs ridhus (Riding club)

  • Offentlig plats inomhus, till exempel en järnvägsstation. (Indoor public places)

Fireworks may also not be used in public places and farms that belong to pre-schools/schools, without a police permit.

Do you know if someone is selling or using fireworks illegally? You can call the Police on 114 14 and leave a tip.

What about floating lanterns and balloons?

Many people choose to celebrate with silent fireworks, by releasing floating lanterns or gas-filled balloons. Special regulations apply to floating lanterns with open flame or gas-filled balloons that are released in larger quantities. You can find them on the Swedish Transport Agency's website.


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