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Important Telephone Numbers (Corona Crisis) has compiled a list of telephone numbers that can be dialled if you need information or support.

If you need help with calling, you can use Teletal which is a service where you get support and help in telephone calls. (Free calling). Call Teletal at telephone number 020-22 11 44.

Here are the various helplines and telephone numbers:

National information number - 113 13 For general questions about the corona virus and the recommendations of the authorities.

Medical advice - 1177 Call only if you need personal medical advice. Do not use this number for general questions about the corona virus or government recommendations. For that, please use the national information number.

In emergency situations - 112 To be used only in danger of life, property or environment.

Foreign Ministry telephone for travel questions - +46 840 59 200 Questions about travel abroad and advice and support for Swedes who are abroad.

Red Cross Support Phone - 0771 900 800 If you are worried or are feeling stressed about the outbreak, reach out to Red Cross support

Call a Priest at the Swedish Church - 112 Call this number and ask them to connect you to the calling priest. You can also reach them via the Swedish Church's chat. - (Chat with a priest)

BRIS support phone for children - 116 111 Open weekdays 09-12 and 14-21 and weekends 14-21. Also available on chat (

BRIS adult telephone on children - 077 150 50 50 Support and information on issues concerning children. Open weekdays 09-12 (

The Women's Support Line's National Support Telephone - 020-50 50 50 For those who have been subjected to physical, mental and sexual violence.

The elder line - 020 22 22 33 For those who are over 65 and need someone to talk to. Run by the organization 'Mind' and is open weekdays 08-19 and weekends 10-16.


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