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Donate your extra breast milk

Updated: Oct 12, 2020

Did you know - Those who have extra breast milk can donate it to their nearest hospital? Read on to know more. There is currently a shortage of breast milk in the hospital, and the staff is looking for donors. Read more here -

If you breastfeed and have more breast milk than your baby needs, you can become a donor.

In order to donate, you must keep a note of the following criteria:

- You must be healthy and eat a balanced diet

- Do not drink alcohol

- Do not Smoke

- Do not use drugs

- Have not had any piercings (except ears) or tattoos in the last six months

There are some exceptions in the case of treatment of thyroid hormone and insulin. You can get more information from your local breast milk bank.

Note: Breast milk donated during the first 3 months is the most suitable for use with the premature infants in the neonatal ward.

How do you donate?

You will first contact your local breast milk bank. Contact details are given below. You will be required to fill out a health form. All donors are screened with blood samples for blood contamination (HIC, Hepatitis etc). Once cleared, you can borrow an electric breast pump and containers from the bank.

Your nearest milk bank will guide you through the process of pumping, storing, hygiene, refrigerating and transporting the milk from your home to the facility.

As a donor, you will receive financial compensation which is tax-free. The compensation for breast milk donation is SEK 250 per litre of milk that has been submitted and approved after a bacterial test.

Contact the Helsingborg Breast Milk Bank (Neonatal Department, Helsingborg Hospital) - 042-406 19 37 or 042-406 30 36


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