Isn’t that just great - The city lets you borrow from a range of bicycles so that you can test ride before you make your big purchase.

When I moved to Sweden, the first thing I was most excited about was getting myself a bike. But what I didn’t realize was that I had not even touched one for many many years. So when I went to a store, confusion overtook me like never before. What size should I get? Gears? I never rode any with gears? And goodness, the coaster brakes - I always rode bikes with the brakes on the handles, so this was going to be quite a different ride. And I dove right in. As soon as I did, I read about electric bikes and wished I got one of those instead.
Unfortunately, at the time I did not know about Cykelbiblioteket. But for all of you, especially those considering getting an electric bike you can now try it before you buy it for a full period of 19 days. And here's how you do that -
What is Cykelbiblioteket?
The Cykelbiblioteket or simply, the bicycle library is an initiative run by Helsingborg Stad in connection with the redevelopment of Järnvägsgatan / Drottninggatan. This is part of several efforts to increase methods of sustainable travel in and around Helsingborg.
What kind of bikes are available and how do I borrow one?
You can borrow an electric bike, an electric cargo bike, a normal cargo bike and a flexible bike. Check out the different bike models here -
Once you choose the kind of bike you would like to borrow you will be linked to the booking page. Here you login with your e-id which will then route you to the calendar with the availability of the bikes. If your chosen bike is available, choose the period and register for the loan.
If you do not have an e-id yet, you can still borrow the bike by contacting the department. Find the relevant contact information here -
What are the conditions?
You must be at least 18 years of age and live in Helsingborg. There is also a loan agreement available on the website which you will need to read and sign when you take the bike.
How long can I borrow the bike for and how many times?
You can borrow a bike for a period of 19 days. Pick and drop is on fixed days which you will see when you get to the online calendar on the booking page. You can only borrow a bike once since the city wants everyone to get the opportunity to try the bikes out.
Electric bikes can be expensive, so this seems like a great idea to test ride before you can actually get down to buying one for yourself. Leave a comment if you borrow the bicycle and share pictures, reviews or any other thoughts you have about this initiative.
Happy riding!